Price 100 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2
A drake rifle is a firearm made from the saliva glands of a drake. The firearm launches small bursts of empowered spittle instead of typical rounds of ammunition. A drake rifle is a +1 weapon. It’s a distinct type of martial firearm that deals 1d10 damage with a range increment of 150 feet and reload 1. It deals acid, cold, electricity, fire, or poison damage, depending on the drake from which it was made. On a critical hit, the spittle clings to the target and they take persistent damage of the same type as the weapon equal to 1d4 + the number of weapon damage dice. A drake rifle does not add critical specialization effects.
Activate Interact (evocation, magical); Frequency once per day; Effect You fire a large, specialized burst designed to hamper your foes. Make a ranged Strike with the drake rifle. As long as the Strike isn’t a critical failure, the drake rifle deals 1 splash damage per weapon damage die to the target and creatures within 5 feet of the target. This splash damage is of the same type as its normal damage.
On a hit, the drake rifle provides one of the following additional effects based on its damage type:
- Acid Clinging acid makes it painful and sickening to move. The target becomes sickened 1.
Craft Requirements The initial raw materials must include the saliva glands of a ritually hunted drake with a breath weapon that deals the appropriate damage type for the drake rifle.