Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate Strike
A goo grenade is a flask filled with a fast-growing, short-lived alchemical ooze. When you hit a creature with a goo grenade, that creature takes persistent acid damage and a circumstance penalty to its Speeds from the clinging goo.
The target can end any penalties, conditions, and persistent damage caused by the bomb by Escaping or spending a total of 3 Interact actions to pry themselves free of the ooze. These Interact actions don’t have to be consecutive, and other creatures can provide the actions as well.
Type major; Level 17; Price 2,500 gp
You gain a +3 item bonus to attack rolls. The target takes 4d4 acid damage, 4 persistent acid damage, and 4 acid splash damage. They take a –10-foot circumstance penalty to their Speeds. The Escape DC is 35.