Potion of Annulment, Lesser

Potion of Annulment, Lesser

Item 10

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

Activate Interact

A potion of annulment magically breaks a supernatural deal you have made, such as an infernal contract (see

), a bargain, or the ritual. Upon drinking the potion, attempt a counteract check against the highest-level such effect, with a counteract modifier determined by the potion’s type. If the check is successful, the deal ends for all parties. You’re not penalized for breaking the contract, but you also enjoy none of its benefits or rewards. Individuals with whom you shared the contract are aware it has been annulled and may seek vengeance. This potion can’t rewind time or negate effects that have already occurred; for example, if you have killed someone to fulfill an infernal contract, drinking this potion and canceling the contract doesn’t bring the dead individual back to life.

Type lesser; Level 10; Price 200 gp

The counteract modifier is +17.