Demonic Afterparty
Demonic Afterparty

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters. 

A demonic cult recently performed a ritual to great success, part of its leader's grander schemes. Her work near Nerosyan complete for now, she left a token force to guard the site, no longer needing it, and prepared to travel elsewhere for grander plans. This activity, though, has been noticed. The ritual site was supposed to be completely abandoned, but a group of traveling merchants noticed the strange activity. This was reported to the Nerosyan leadership, who in turn have pressured Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury to get involved. Jorsal has decided to send the PCs, to investigate the site itself, assuming that a place so near the city likely isn’t much of a threat.

Written by Michelle Y. Kim

Scenario tags: None

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Table Of Contents



Adventure Background

Getting Started

Outside the Bunker

The Bunker (Level 1)

A. The Bunker (Level 2)


Chronicle Code: EDEY

Play Time: 4-5 Hours

Levels: 3-6

Players: 3-6


Appendix 1: Level 3–4 Encounters

Appendix 2: Level 5–6 Encounters

Appendix 3: Game Aids

Organized Play
