Blood-Stained Love
Blood-Stained Love

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Mature Advisory: contains graphic and written content of a mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong language. Reader discretion is advised. 

Can the Kindred ever truly love?

Expand your game of personal and political horror to include wide-eyed lovers and manipulative monsters. The book is for Storytellers and players alike, giving you tools, techniques and advice on how to bring romance to the undead. This book includes 6 six fleshed out storytelling characters and six detailed story concepts, all designed to maximize romance potential.


  • How to play your character in stories of romance.
  • How to build your chronicle from the ground up so that the options for romance are maximized or minimized.
  • Six fully fleshed out Storyteller characters specifically designed for romance.
  • Six detailed story concepts created to maximize romantic potential.
  • Advice and tools for safety and calibration, expanding on the corebook’s Advice for Considerate Play appendix.
  • Tools for defining and maintaining everyone’s boundaries at the table.
  • Sections on alternate methods for playing romance.
  • Merits, Flaws and Discipline powers related to romance.

Purchasing this title unlocks the content in the digital reader on Vampire: The Masquerade Nexus, as well as in additional features as they become available during Early Access.

Table Of Contents
Table of Contents


  • Your Romance
  • Action
  • Dark Romance
  • The Blood Bond
  • The Toolbox
  • Desires

Chapter One: Playing Romance

  • Bleed
  • Playing For Emotion
  • Calibration
  • Preparing To Play
  • Different Troupes
  • Preferences
  • Character Creation
  • Romance and the Clans
  • Actions
  • Getting Involved

Chapter Two: Storytelling Romance

  • Classic Romance Tropes
  • General Tips
  • The Love Triangle
  • Enemies to Lovers
  • Forbidden Love
  • Destructive Romance
  • Additional Tropes
  • Relationships
  • Tragedy
  • Sex And Sharing Blood
  • A World Full of Romance
  • Laws Against Love
  • Example Domains
  • Signs of Affection from a Vampire Lover

Chapter Three: Love Interests

  • Attractive Qualities
  • Layla Rivera
  • Condor
  • Ethan & Hamza
  • Dmitra Thorn
  • Angelique Dutertre
  • Viscount Claude d’Aspremont
  • Quick Character Ideas

Chapter Four: Stories of Love and Romance

  • Bulletproof
  • Giving Up
  • Vermilion Fashion
  • The Comeuppance Club and Agency
  • Chosen for the Bond
  • Lingering Kisses
  • The Court of Love
  • The Shades of Neo-Montmartre
  • Quick Story Ideas

Chapter Five: Other Ways To Play with Romance

  • Intimacy
  • Playing on Tiktok
  • Letters of Affection
  • Rules of Desire
